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- last updated 2025-01-20 07:30:33

Silhouette - 2025
- last updated 2025-01-20 08:05:33


  • April 27
  • June 29
  • July 13
  • August 24
  • September 14
  • October 26
Columbia Rifle Range #8.

Competition is open to the public. NRA membership is not required.

Sight-in is from 9:00 am to 9:45. Match 1 begins at 10:00 AM.
At the conclusion of Match 1 we break for lunch and conversation.
Match 2 is shot at the conclusion of lunch. The Match 2 start time will vary due to the number of shooters and the time allotted for lunch.
Shooters may shoot either or both matches.

$5.00 for a 40-round match, $10.00 for a 80 round match. Junior shooters (born 2005 or later) are $2.00. If you have not shot Smallbore Silhouette at Green Valley before, match fees are waived for your first match!

Targets are made of metal and in the shape of animals. Any .22 rifle can be used and a scope is recommended. No hyper velocity ammo due to target damage. A 40 round match consists of ten chickens at 40 meters, ten pigs at 60 meters, ten turkeys at 77 meters, and ten rams at 100 meters. All targets are 1/5 actual size, and are arranged in banks (rows) of 5 animals. All shooting is done from the standing position and without the use of slings or artificial supports. Following a 15-second "Ready" command you have 2 1/2 minutes to shoot the first of two banks of 5 targets, with one shot per target, in order, from left to right. After a 30 second pause there is another 15 second Ready and another 2 1/2 minutes to shoot the 2nd bank of 5 targets. Every animal knocked off the rail is counted for a total score.

NRA rules apply and NRA classification will be used. Eye and Ear protection are required.

 silhouette_schedule_2025.pdf   164KB  ( 44 downloads   )  metallic_silhouette_explained_2025.pdf   376KB  ( 38 downloads   )

 smallbore_rifle_targets_2025.pdf   19.7KB  ( 45 downloads   )

If you need results from any previous seasons not listed above, please check the Discipline / News Archives.

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